Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

I would like to wish all you of you happy holidays and a healthy and properous 2014.

2013 has been a turbulent year from a personal point of view, but things are looking very promising for the future. I hope to see many of you on one of the shows that I will be attending.


New Mini finished

New Mini finished

Last week I attended a workshop by Roman Lappat from Massive Voodoo, assisted by Peter Toth.  We started on Friday late afternoon and stopped at 6.30 pm on Sunday evening.  This was a very intense, but ultimately rewarding experience. Trust me on this: Roman has the ability to get you out of your comfort zone and take you to another level of consciousness in miniature painting. Even though we had 26 people attending, he and Peter kept a very relaxed attitude and guided everybody through the weekend smoothly.

I believe that Roman is one of the most inspiring people in the modelling and painting scene today, and I can only but highly  recommend that you attend one of his classes whenever you have the opportunity. You will not regret it and it’ll be well worth your time, effort, blood, sweat and tears and the money you put into it.

Thank Roman and Peter for the great time at the workshop. I hope you guys will be back for the advanced class next year.

My mini, with the final tweaks made on my home workbench as it stands today….my Queen of Creatures. A GWS Demonette, from head to toe 40mm…or a bit smaller..whatever.



In progress….Aerosan and Fieseler Storch

In progress….Aerosan and Fieseler Storch

I have picked up my still nameless project again, involving an Aerosan and a Fieseler Storch in 1/35. Both kits are rather basic, the Fieseler Storch lacks a lot of interior details. In this diorama the Storch will do what it does best….crash 🙂 Or better said, it has made a rough emergency landing. This scenario will include a broken wing, broken prop blades.

Pics of the Aerosan in progress with moderate weathering, and still some work to do:

frontleft front cockpit-top backright backleft back


And I have done some work on the Storch as well. Some bits to add still, including the small stuff that’s supposed to be scattered throug the cockpit


frontwithmotor cockpittopleft cockpit-openright

To be continued….

Look mum, it works!

Look mum, it works!

Well, I shamefully admit that I have finally spent time to figure out why you could not read the complete posts in my blog. Well, now you can. I also admit being digitally illiterate. Or too lazy to be bothered at times…hmm. On the other hand,  I’m nice to kids and animals and I pay my taxes, so I’m not that bad a person I guess 🙂

I actually managed to finish some of the stuff that I started earlier this year, or even longer ago, who knows. I finished a mini by Scibor Miniatures called Santa Hunter. Funny mini, at least I think so and a joy to paint. My first real mini as a matter of fact, and it has given me the opportunity to use some colours from the paint box I haven’t used a lot until now.

Santa Hunter

I also finished a long dragging project that started it’s life as a purchase by my wife. She never finished the bust, and I attempted it several times over the past few years, putting it aside over and over again to focus on other projects. Earlier this year I decided to give it a final go. The sculpt is not that great to tell you the truth, but I wanted to challenge the horrors of painting whites. Did I succeed? Yes and no. I’m happy with the way the face came out, the robe is rather ok, and the hair…well…I’d  rather go bold, haha.  Anyway, it’s done and the next time I find something in my stash that is not up to standard I’ll rather sell than paint it. There!


My happy spring time Lend-Lease Valentine is another project that should have been finished earlier. It all started off as an exercise model for practising new airbrush techniques. I build this MiniArt model out of the box, a first time for me… even after many moons of scale modelling this is my first model without any after market. You may call me weird. The weathering was mainly done with Liquitex Acrylics Inks, a method developed by my clubmember Marcel du Long. The lower parts of the tank received some pigments.


Anyway,  more pics of all projects are uploaded in the galleries. I hope that you enjoy watching them.

Signing off!


Works in progress

Works in progress

Working on several projects, although “working” is the wrong term I’m afraid. Not much progress over the past several months. Life gets in the way, so it seems.

Anyway, the Trumpeter Aerosan in progress. Lots of missing details that had to be scratched and even more present, but wrong details , such as 4523578  bolts that were not on the actual vehicle, so these had to be sanded off.

The Aerosan will be part of a larger diorama involving lots of snow, which may not come as surprize.



Aerosan 2


Next on the to-do list is my first shadow box entitled Stake Out, featuring the Tamiya Citroen Traction, an oldie but goodie from Verlinden with a new head (MK35). This project is turning out to be my white whale as getting it composed and boxed properly is a true challenge. But the good ol’ Shep Paine diorama book shows it’s eternal value again. Very helpful info indeed.


Tamiya Citroen Traction



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